Friday, 18 November 2016

Multilingual schoolscape – Multilingual learning environment

I co-organize the following workshop – welcome!
Monikielinen koulumaisema – monikielinen oppimisympäristö
Mångspråkigt språklandskap – mångspråkig inlärningsmiljö
Multilingual schoolscape – Multilingual learning environment

We invite you to discuss current issues in the development and research of co-located Finnish and Swedish medium schools in Finland to a workshop at the University of Jyväskylä on 2 December 2016 from 11:00 to 15:30.

Co-located schools (kieliparikoulut/samlokaliserade skolor) are cases where a Finnish and a Swedish medium school have moved together. Currently there are 35–45 such schools in Finland, and their number is growing. We see co-located schools as clear examples of educational institutions where a multilingual learning environment is given. In this workshop we explore good practices and visions of how such cases could be used as a resource for language practice and learning.

Participation is free of charge, the language of the presentations is English.

The registration period is over.

Preliminary program (updated on November 26)

11:00 Opening words by the organizers

11:05–12:45 Invited presentations (20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion)
11:05 Tuuli From (University of Helsinki): Sharing school space – results from two ethnographic projects on co-located schools.              
11:30 Gun-Viol Vik (University of Vaasa): Among staff and students on Campus Lykeion – five years of research and co-operation.
11:55 Mari Bergroth & Åsa Palviainen (University of Jyväskylä): Co-located preschools – a language resource for bilingual children?
12:20 Students (Jakobstads Gymnasium & Pietarsaaren lukio): Co-located schools as resources for language learning: A subjective inventory.
12:45 Tamás Péter Szabó, Kati Kajander, Petteri Laihonen, Riikka Alanen & Hannele Dufva (University of Jyväskylä): Towards new multilingual learning environments: affordances in the schoolscapes of co-located schools.
13.10 Ann-Christine Saven (Porvoo primary school): Language practices and co-teaching in a co-located (Finnish–Swedish) kindergarten

13:20–14:00 Lunch break

14:00–14:50 Workshops
Researchers, teachers and students work on different tasks in small groups. The group works are based on the participants’ own visions, insights of the researchers, and ideas from the previous presentations. The work will be organized in three groups:

  1. Envisioning and designing future multilingual learning environments for schools. 
  2. Planning courses and projects for students of co-located schools to enhance cooperation. 
  3. Planning projects and training events for schools to enhance cooperation between different language groups using the premises.

14:50–15:05 Coffee break

15:05–15:30 Sharing the main points of workshop discussions and concluding the event

Each group presents the main findings of their group discussions in the form of a panel discussion in which two members from each group participates. The panel discussion is moderated and concluded by a member of the organizing team.

The workshop is funded by the ReCLaS Research Collegium for Language in Changing Society at the University of Jyväskylä.

Multilingual schoolscape – Multilingual learning environment, a project of the University of Jyväskylä Language Campus.

Research team
Kati Kajander (chair)
Tamás Péter Szabó
Petteri Laihonen
Riikka Alanen
Hannele Dufva
Satu Alatalo (research assistant)

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