I co-organize the following workshop – welcome!
Monikielinen koulumaisema – monikielinen oppimisympäristö
Mångspråkigt språklandskap – mångspråkig inlärningsmiljö
Multilingual schoolscape – Multilingual learning environment
We invite you to discuss current issues in the development and research of co-located Finnish and Swedish medium schools in Finland to a workshop at the University of Jyväskylä on 2 December 2016 from 11:00 to 15:30.
Co-located schools (kieliparikoulut/samlokaliserade skolor) are cases where a Finnish and a Swedish medium school have moved together. Currently there are 35–45 such schools in Finland, and their number is growing. We see co-located schools as clear examples of educational institutions where a multilingual learning environment is given. In this workshop we explore good practices and visions of how such cases could be used as a resource for language practice and learning.
Participation is free of charge, the language of the presentations is English.
The registration period is over.
Preliminary program (updated on November 26)