Thursday, 24 March 2016

Concluding 'Finding own words': a dissemination seminar

My Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship project has arrived to its closing phase. Now it is time to summarize the results and the most important lessons learnt from planning and implementation. With my colleagues, we organized a seminar on 23 March to share our experiences with the project. The event was part of the seminar series From researcher to researcher organized by our university's Research and Innovation Services.

I open the seminar

The program was the following:

First I highlighted the main findings of the project and talked about post-doctoral training at the University of Jyväskylä. My presentation slides and handout are available:

My talk was followed by an open round table discussion that evaluated the project’s contribution to multidisciplinary research on education at the university. The invited speakers were my close co-operation partners and the members of the project's Steering Committee:

Finally, Funding Advisor Elina Humala (Research and Innovation Services) provided information about Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions calls, and presented various ways in which her unit supports prospective applicants.

The event attracted nearly 50 participants
Researchers from various units of the university came to the seminar. The faculties of humanities, social sciences, and education were mainly represented. It was very fortunate that funding experts from several Finnish universities attended a Marie Sklodowska-Curie network meeting on the same day so they could also join this concluding event and engage in conversation with the participants.

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