Monday, 21 May 2018

New publication on Hungarian and Finnish schoolscapes

Recently I published a chapter in an edited book on sociolinguistic research entitled On the Border of Language and Dialect. As I write in the intro, most of the authors of the volume (e.g. Preston, Palander & Riionheimo, Laakso, Koivisto, Kunnas) "organize their studies along geographical borders vis-à-vis perceptions of dialects" while
this article elaborates on a spatial approach to language practices in educational settings, investigating how teachers establish relationships between languages, states, and speakers. The focus is on ways in which they co-construct geographical and political formations while reflecting on school spaces and institutional language policies in conversation with the researcher.  

Friday, 11 May 2018

New publication on language aware multilingual pedagogies

In the turn of November and December I presented a paper and a poster with my colleague Josephine Moate with whom we co-ordinate the development of a new study programme LAMP – Language Aware Multilingual Pedagogy (in Finnish: KiMo – Kielitietoisuutta ja monikielisyyttä tukeva pedagogiikka), a project shared between the Department of Teacher Education, the Department of Education and the Department of Language and Communication Studies at the University of Jyväskylä.

In our paper with Josephine, we discuss different entry points to the study of language awareness and multilingualism